February 1, 2010

A Weird Thought Occurred to Me Today

As I was thinking through some issues I was dealing with on one of my other blogs, in fleetingly considering this one, I suddenly felt quite the opposite sentiment I felt when I wrote the last log entry here. Suddenly, it was not very important to receive response. The act of thinking things through was satisfying in itself.

One of the problems I sometimes view myself having is that I can think a lot faster than I can type or even speak. That in itself is not a problem; the problem is that if I don't grab a thought and slap it down, it often slips away fleetingly before I have a chance to give it flesh and blood. The writing process helps me breathe life into it, so I can file it away for later purposes. The thinking process helps me do the same thing, but I often have such a gush of thoughts, it is like trying to catch a river with your fingers. Writing down some of my thoughts to an imaginary audience gives me a bowl to capture them, whereas discussing it verbally, either a thimble or bucket, depending on the intensity and depth of the conversation itself.

I love writing. Although I am often both fascinated and ashamed to read what I wrote in the past. As I grow more mature, and arguably wiser, my thoughts evolve. So much so that sometimes I wonder at how much wiser I was before; but more often the case, at what an idiot I used to be. Luckily, I used to lose a lot of what I wrote on scraps of paper. This new computer and Internet age and the ability to save and distribute so much material so widely and quickly is something I am probably going to regret.

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